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Daegu Tteokbokki Festival 2024

by Dohun Kim 2024. 4. 16.

Daegu Tteokbokki Festival 2024: A Spicy Extravaganza to Share Korea's Flavor with the World

Calling all lovers of spicy and delicious food! Mark your calendars for the Daegu Tteokbokki Festival 2024, happening on **May 4-5 (Saturday-Sunday). This two-day extravaganza will be a celebration of Korea's beloved street food, Tteokbokki, bringing together enthusiasts from all corners of the country to savor the diverse flavors of this iconic dish and spread the word about Korea's fiery cuisine to the world. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of delectable Tteokbokki, exciting events, and cultural experiences that will leave you wanting more.

What is the Daegu Tteokbokki Festival?

The Daegu Tteokbokki Festival is a vibrant celebration dedicated to Korea's traditional street food, Tteokbokki. This exciting event features an array of Tteokbokki vendors from different regions showcasing their signature recipes, offering a diverse range of flavors from mild and sweet to fiery and hot. Alongside the delectable Tteokbokki, the festival also hosts a variety of entertaining events, including Tteokbokki-making competitions, eating challenges, and cultural performances.

Event Details:

  • Date: May 4-5, 2024 (Saturday-Sunday)
  • Time:11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Venue: DGB Daegu Bank Park (53, Seongseo-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea)
  • Target Audience: Tteokbokki lovers of all ages
  • Organizers:Daegu Metropolitan City, Buk-gu District

Google Maps links for the Daegu Tteokbokki Festival Venue ↓


DGB 대구은행파크 · 대구광역시 북구 고성로 191

★★★★★ · 축구경기장


Main Festival Attractions:

  • Taste the Delicacy (Food): Embark on a culinary adventure through the diverse world of Tteokbokki, sampling signature dishes from vendors representing different regions across Korea. From classic sweet and savory flavors to bold and spicy creations, there's a Tteokbokki to tantalize every taste bud.
  • Tteokbokki Theme Zone: Immerse yourself in the world of Tteokbokki with interactive zones dedicated to the beloved dish. Explore the Tteokbokki Zone, Milky Kit Zone, Friends Zone, and more, each offering unique experiences and photo opportunities.
  • Enjoy the Fun (Enjoy): Let loose and have a blast with a variety of exciting games and activities designed for all ages. From the thrilling Tteokbokki Kids' Playground to the creative Tteokbokki Stamp Challenge and Tteokbokki Workshop, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
  • Experience the Spectacle (Show): Get ready to be entertained by captivating performances and interactive games that will keep you engaged throughout the festival. Catch live shows on the Main Stage and Tteokbokki Stage, and join in the fun with various participatory games.
  • Connect and Share (Activity): Connect with fellow Tteokbokki enthusiasts and participate in a range of engaging activities. Visit the Tteokbokki Goods Shop, spread out a picnic blanket on the lawn, or browse the lively Flea Market.

How to Participate:

The Daegu Tteokbokki Festival 2024 is open to everyone. For more information about the event, including detailed schedules and registration details, please visit the official festival website. Whether you're a seasoned Tteokbokki aficionado or a curious newcomer, this festival promises an unforgettable experience filled with delectable flavors, cultural immersion, and exciting memories.

Why Attend the Daegu Tteokbokki Festival?

The Daegu Tteokbokki Festival goes beyond simply indulging in delicious food; it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Korea, where tradition meets modernity. As the festival brings together people from all walks of life, it serves as a platform to promote Korea's culinary culture to a global audience while showcasing the diverse and innovative transformations of Tteokbokki. Through this celebration, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the history, culture, and everyday lives of the Korean people, fostering cross-cultural connections and friendships that transcend borders.

Discover the Versatility of Tteokbokki:

Prepare to be amazed by the endless possibilities of Tteokbokki as you embark on a culinary journey through the festival. From time-honored recipes passed down through generations to innovative creations infused with modern flavors, you'll discover a world of Tteokbokki that will tantalize your taste buds and challenge your perceptions. From regional specialties to health-conscious options, there's a Tteokbokki to suit every palate and preference. This diversity not only offers a delightful culinary experience but also highlights the boundless potential of Tteokbokki as a culinary canvas.

A Platform for Cultural Exchange

The Daegu Tteokbokki Festival transcends the boundaries of a food festival, transforming into a vibrant hub for cultural exchange. Attendees from all corners of the globe come together to share their love for Tteokbokki, creating a melting pot of cultures and experiences. The festival's interactive events, such as the Tteokbokki-making competition and eating challenge, encourage active participation and cross-cultural interaction, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and mutual understanding. Through these shared experiences, participants gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse culinary traditions and cultural nuances that shape the world around us.


The Daegu Tteokbokki Festival 2024 stands as a testament to the enduring popularity of Tteokbokki, a dish that has captivated the hearts and taste buds of Koreans for generations. This two-day extravaganza promises an unforgettable culinary adventure, cultural immersion, and opportunities to connect with people from all walks of life. As you savor the fiery flavors of Tteokbokki, immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, and engage in meaningful interactions, you'll discover the true essence of Korean culture and its ability to bring people together through the shared love of food. Mark your calendars for May 4-5, 2024, and prepare to embark on a journey that will tantalize your taste buds, broaden your horizons, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Join the Daegu Tteokbokki Festival 2024 and be a part of a celebration that ignites the senses and connects cultures through the power of food.

Additional Tips for Attending the Festival:

  • Plan your trip: Book your accommodation and transportation in advance, especially if you're traveling from out of town.
  • Come hungry: There's an abundance of Tteokbokki to try, so come with an empty stomach and a sense of adventure.
  • Bring cash: While some vendors may accept credit cards, it's always a good idea to have cash on hand for smaller purchases.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: You'll be doing a lot of walking, so make sure to wear comfortable shoes that can handle the crowds.
  • Be prepared for the weather: Check the weather forecast in advance and dress accordingly.
  • Embrace the culture:** Take the opportunity to learn about Korean culture and try other Korean dishes besides Tteokbokki.
  • Have fun: The Daegu Tteokbokki Festival is a time to relax, have fun, and enjoy the company of others.

I hope you have a wonderful time at the Daegu Tteokbokki Festival 2024!
