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CNN's Recommended Top 10 Korean Foods

by Dohun Kim 2024. 4. 24.

CNN's Recommended Top 10 Korean Foods – Essential Tasting List to Captivate Your Palate

K-food image

One of the indispensable experiences for travelers visiting Korea is indulging in the diverse and rich culinary delights of the country. Korean cuisine, beloved worldwide, has garnered significant attention on the global stage due to its allure. The top 10 must-try Korean dishes selected by CNN are recommended not just for visitors to Korea but for anyone interested in Korean food. Introducing a spectrum of flavors ranging from traditional to contemporary variations, this TOP 10 list guarantees to captivate your taste buds. Embark on a culinary journey that will stimulate your palate.

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An essential fermented food on the Korean table, Kimchi comes in various types, each boasting a unique flavor. The probiotics produced during fermentation are known to be beneficial for health.









A representative menu of Korean cuisine, Bulgogi is thinly sliced beef marinated in a sweet and salty sauce before being grilled. The flavor is enhanced when wrapped and eaten with vegetables.








A dish that encapsulates the diverse flavors and nutrition of Korea in one bowl, Bibimbap involves mixing rice with various vegetables, meat, and Gochujang. Regional variations offer unique tastes.









A beloved meat dish among Koreans, Samgyeopsal is grilled pork belly eaten wrapped in lettuce or perilla leaves with various sauces.








Doenjang Jjigae


A traditional Korean stew that allows one to experience the rich flavor of Doenjang, Doenjang Jjigae contains a variety of vegetables, seafood, and meat, symbolizing the taste of home cooking in Korea.






A popular street food, Tteokbokki is made by stir-frying rice cakes and various ingredients in a sweet and spicy sauce. It is especially loved among the youth.











Sundubu Jjigae


Known for its soft tofu and spicy broth, Sundubu Jjigae is a nutritious dish that warms the body in winter. It is often cooked with various seafood or meat, making it a staple Korean winter dish.









Grilled pork or beef ribs marinated in a spicy or sweet sauce, Galbi is a favorite Korean barbecue dish. It enjoys popularity among foreign visitors as well, representing Korean barbecue culture.








Known for its excellent efficacy in relieving hangovers, Haejangguk is made with various ingredients, typically beef, innards, and vegetables, to create a rich broth. It is a common breakfast food for Koreans, especially after a night of drinking.









Resembling a sweet pancake, Hotteok is a dessert easily found on the streets in winter. Filled with honey, sugar, and nuts, and then grilled, its crispy exterior and sweet interior make it the perfect snack to enjoy in cold weather.






For travelers visiting Korea, it is recommended not to miss out on tasting CNN's recommended top 10 Korean foods. From traditional flavors to modern culinary innovations, this list offers a comprehensive experience of Korea's vibrant food culture. The unique taste, aroma, and nutritional value of each dish will enrich your journey. Experience the delights of Korean cuisine and enjoy the pleasures of taste.
