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Memorial Day: A day of sacred Remembrance and Respect (June 6th)

by Dohun Kim 2024. 6. 6.

Memorial Day: A Day of Sacred Remembrance and Respect in Korea

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 Remembering the Roots of the Nation Korea's Memorial Day is a day to honor the patriotic martyrs and defenders of the nation who sacrificed their lives for the country. This day is not merely a public holiday but a time to enhance national pride and remember the fervent spirit for peace and freedom.

The Meaning and History of Memorial Day

The Origin of Memorial Day

Memorial Day is observed annually on June 6th and its origin traces back to the Korean War. It was first proclaimed by Presidential Decree on April 19, 1956, and has since been designated to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives at significant turning points in the nation's history. This day is a national day of mourning to honor all those who dedicated themselves to defending the freedom and peace of the Republic of Korea.

Traditional Memorial Day Ceremonies

On Memorial Day, various commemorative events are held nationwide. The central ceremony takes place at the National Cemetery in Seoul, located in Dongjak-gu. This ceremony is attended by the President, high-ranking government officials, families of veterans, and the general public, who offer silent tribute and floral tributes to the patriotic martyrs and defenders of the nation. The national flag is flown at half-mast, and a nationwide minute of silence is observed, which is a significant tradition of Memorial Day.

Public Participation in Memorial Day

Memorial Day is not confined to official ceremonies. Many citizens voluntarily participate in various ways such as visiting war memorials, hoisting the national flag, and sharing commemorative messages on social media, expressing their remembrance and respect for those who sacrificed for the country. This participation deepens the significance of Memorial Day and fosters a culture of remembering noble sacrifices across generations.


The Importance of Remembering Peace and Freedom Memorial Day is a crucial day to honor the sacrifices of patriotic martyrs and defenders who enabled us to enjoy peace and freedom. Through this day, we remember the past and convey its value to future generations. Commemorating Memorial Day is not merely an event, but an opportunity to establish the identity of the nation and its people. We must all earnestly embrace the significance of this sacred day and live in a way that honors the sacrifices made for our country.

