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Top 10 destinations to visit in Korea selected by CNN

by Dohun Kim 2024. 6. 4.

Discovering the Hidden Gems of Korea

한국 문화 이미지

Korea is a unique country where history and modernity coexist. This place, where ancient cultural heritage and modern urban landscapes harmonize, attracts numerous tourists every year. Explore the charm of Korea more deeply through CNN's selection of the TOP 10 must-visit places in Korea. In this article, we introduce essential destinations for those planning a trip to Korea.

Top 10 Must-Visit Places in Korea

경복궁 (Gyeongbokgung Palace)

경북궁 이미지


Gyeongbokgung Palace is a representative palace of the Joseon Dynasty, located in the heart of Seoul. Built in 1395, this palace is a significant site where one can glimpse into Korea's history and culture. Explore the beautiful architecture and gardens of Gyeongbokgung to experience traditional Korean culture. Particularly, Gyeonghoeru and Geunjeongjeon within the palace are beloved for their grand appearance, and the daily changing of the guard ceremony is a popular attraction among tourists.

제주도 (Jeju Island)

제주도 이미지


Jeju Island is Korea's representative vacation spot, famous for its volcanic landscapes. The island features Hallasan, a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site, lava caves, and beautiful beaches. A retreat in Jeju Island offers a break from daily life and a chance to recharge amidst nature. Additionally, Jeju Island provides unique culinary experiences and various activity programs, offering unforgettable memories to visitors.



부산 해운대 (Haeundae Beach)

해운대 이미지


Haeundae is the most famous beach in Busan, attracting many tourists every summer. At Haeundae Beach, you can enjoy various marine sports, and the surrounding area is rich with restaurants and cafes. Especially, Haeundae Beach is renowned for its beautiful sunset views and nightscapes, and at night, you can enjoy various performances and festivals held along the beach.




경주 불국사 (Bulguksa Temple)

경주 불국사 이미지


Gyeongju, the former capital of the Silla Kingdom, is home to Bulguksa Temple, which showcases the city's historical significance. Designated as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, Bulguksa welcomes visitors with its beautiful architecture and stone structures. The Seokgatap and Dabotap pagodas within Bulguksa are loved for their artistic value, and the temple's surrounding natural scenery offers different charms throughout the seasons.



서울 남산타워 (N Seoul Tower)

남산 이미지


N Seoul Tower, one of Seoul's landmarks, provides a panoramic view of the city. By day, enjoy the cityscape, and by night, the splendid night view, making it a popular dating spot for couples. Additionally, the area around N Seoul Tower features various walking trails and parks, offering a space to enjoy nature even within the city.



인사동 (Insadong)

인사동 길거리 이미지


Insadong is a street in Seoul where tradition and modernity coexist, offering a variety of traditional crafts and contemporary art pieces. This area is also home to numerous traditional tea houses and restaurants, making it an excellent place to experience Korean traditional culture. On weekends, Insadong Street hosts street performances and flea markets, providing visitors with various cultural experiences.


설악산 국립공원 (Seoraksan National Park)

설악산 이미지


Seoraksan is one of Korea's most beautiful mountains, boasting diverse landscapes throughout the seasons. In autumn, enjoy the fall foliage, and in winter, the snow-covered peaks. Well-maintained hiking trails make it a popular destination for hikers. Within Seoraksan National Park, there are various attractions such as Osaek Mineral Spring and Biryong Falls, where you can fully appreciate the beauty of nature.


전주 한옥 마을 (Jeonju Hanok Village)

전주 한옥 마을 이미지


Jeonju Hanok Village preserves the beauty of traditional Korea, where you can stroll through streets lined with hanok (traditional Korean houses) and experience a journey back in time. This village is a representative attraction of Jeonju, offering opportunities to experience traditional culture and taste traditional foods such as Jeonju Bibimbap. Additionally, the village is filled with cafes offering traditional tea and shops selling various crafts, making it a perfect destination for those who wish to feel the traditional charm of Korea.

명동 쇼핑 거리 (Myeongdong Shopping Street)

명동 쇼핑 거리 이미지


Located in the heart of Seoul, Myeongdong is famous for shopping and food. You can find the latest fashion, cosmetics, accessories, and more all in one place, and enjoy Korean street food at various food stalls. Myeongdong is especially popular among young people and is always bustling with both domestic and international tourists. The vibrant neon signs and street performances at night create a unique atmosphere.


부여 백제 문화단지 (Buyeo Baekje Cultural Complex)

부여 백제 문화 단지


The Buyeo Baekje Cultural Complex is a place where you can experience the history and culture of the ancient Baekje Kingdom of Korea. This complex features reconstructions of Baekje palaces, fortresses, and tombs, vividly conveying the glorious history of Baekje to visitors. The museum within the complex showcases relics from the Baekje era and provides educational insights into various historical facts. Regularly held cultural events and performances offer opportunities to directly experience the lifestyle of ancient Baekje. The Buyeo Baekje Cultural Complex is a highly recommended destination for those interested in history and culture.


Introduced the TOP 10 must-visit places in Korea. Korea is a country rich with hidden gems and diverse attractions. We hope this article helps you plan and prepare for your trip to Korea, allowing you to experience its beauty and fall in love with its charm.

